Julija Slaby
Gestal Therapist, Transformation & Presence Coach.
  • Certification Level:

    Points of You® Lead Master

  • Origin Country:
  • Language:
    English, Polish - polski, Russian - русский, Lithuanian - lietuvių
  • About me:

    Hi, from Poland! I'm Julija, a Points of You® Lead Master, and Country Leader of Poland. I'm also a Gestal therapist, entrepreneur, inspirational speaker, international transformational and presence coach. I deeply believe in great potential and unique power of each of my clients and my role is to help them to discover it with a different perspective, in a creative way, full of joy, passion and trusting to the process of change.

  • Short Descriptions:

    Hi, from Poland! I'm Julia, a Points of You® Lead Master, and Country Leader of Poland. I'm also a Gestal therapist, entrepreneur, inspirational speaker, international transformational and presence coach.