What Will You Gain From Our Tools?

Discover why thousands of professionals incorporate our tools into their daily practice.

Add Color, Creativity & Juiciness  

Using creative, visual and intuitive tools enriches your professional toolkit and helps you lead personal development processes that are experiential, inspirational and surprising.

Connection with No Boundaries

We’ve especially designed our tools to be cross culture, gender and age, and that’s why you can use them with anyone for deeper observation, connection and common language.

Unlimited Diverse Settings

Solo, one-on-one, in a workshop or with large group – our tools are easily adaptable to any audience, theme, objective and method. Follow your own ideas or use our free knowledge base.

Develop Courage & Embrace Vulnerability

Our tools create the perfect setting for a deep & authentic dialogue. They allow participants to open up and express their passions, fears and challenges in a safe learning environment.

Images as a Powerful Trigger

Our tools are based on a rich photographic language that bypasses logic. Images and metaphors create an instant access to our imagination, intuition and resources.

Put a Question Mark

Our tools help you offer participants fresh views about their life-issues and to guide them on a discovery journey for new points of view on their identity, preferences and priorities.

Meet Our Tools

We’ve designed diverse tools for any audience, purpose, or method.
Use them in your coaching and training sessions, team meetings,
clinic, with your family, or even on your own.

Speak Up Toolkit

Build trust & productive collaboration with our game-changing toolkit

Original price was: $158.Current price is: $99.
The Coaching Game

Our original best-selling tool that boosts transformation

Original price was: $198.Current price is: $149.

A dynamic & metaphorical tool that stimulate moments of clarity

Original price was: $92.Current price is: $75.

A powerful yet gentle tool to enhance well-being and find balance

Original price was: $238.Current price is: $149.

A straightforward and powerful tool about people & relationships

Original price was: $288.Current price is: $169.
Inspiration Vibes

Add creativity and inspiration to your practice and day-to-day

Original price was: $99.Current price is: $55.
Facilitation Boost

Creative stationary to enhance the impact of your facilitation

Original price was: $99.Current price is: $55.
Speak Up Digital

The ultimate solution for engaging online meetings

Speak Up All in One

The ultimate skill-set to transform the way organizations communicate

Original price was: $457.Current price is: $260.

What Are People Saying?

Thousands of professionals and organizations worldwide use our must-have tools, essential for any toolkit.


It always works. It typically exceeds expectations as it opens doors that the client did not know existed or did not know could be opened.

Jean-Francois Jadin,  Malaysia

People like the unexpected approach and the fact that the emotional and creative part of us are activated.

Nuria Mendoza,  Portugal

The tools make it easy to communicate each other. It’s helpful to understand the situations clearly.
Easy and fun!

Hojoon Shin,  South Korea

The Coaching Game takes you straight to your soul, heart and center of your being. It helped me, my friends and colleagues, countless times, to uncover layers and layers of issues that we were facing.

Tatjana Galijas,  Serbia

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