Jean-Francois Jadin
Abstract Expressionism Artist, Integral Coach & Transformational Facilitator
  • Certification Level:

    Points of You® Master

  • Origin Country:
  • Origin City:
    Kuala Lumpur
  • Language:
  • About me:

    After twenty five years of corporate life, Jean-Francois now focuses on unfoldment: his own and that of those that cross his path. As an integral coach and transformational facilitator, he holds a safe and sacred space for his clients to explore their being and, in so being, more fully tap their boundaryless potential as well as address what may get in the way of a fuller aliveness. As an abstract expressionist artist, paint and knife strokes ooze out of him and onto the canvas, baring his soul in the here and now, to his surprise and awe. Unfolding it is.

  • Short Descriptions:

    After twenty five years of corporate life, Jean-Francois now focuses on unfoldment: his own and that of those that cross his path.