Helene Babok-Haeussler
Country Leader Points of You France / Lead Master
  • Certification Level:

    Points of You® Lead Master

  • Origin Country:
  • Origin City:
  • Language:
    French (France) - français (France), English
  • About me:

    As Lead Master and co-country leader of Points of You in France with my partner Elodie Palfer-Sollier, I'm proud to be able to pass on the relay to the community of support professionals. I have 10 years' experience as a professional coach. My passion is to support individual and collective transformation towards greater meaning, well-being at work and authenticity. I founded my firm sens&émergence to help leaders emerge and become more inspiring, and to facilitate collective know-how in the service of positive organizational transformation.

  • Short Descriptions:

    As Lead Master and co-country leader of Points of You in France with my partner Elodie Palfer-Sollier, I'm proud to be able to pass on the relay to the community of support professionals. I have 10 years' experience as a professional coach. My passion is to support individual and collective transformation towards greater meaning, well-being at work and authenticity.