Elodie Palfer-Sollier
Country Leader Points of You France / Lead Master
  • Certification Level:

    Points of You® Lead Master

  • Origin Country:
  • Language:
    French - français, English
  • About me:

    As Lead Master and co-country leader of Points of You in France with my partner Hélène Babok-Haeussler, I'm proud to be able to pass on the relay to the community of support professionals. I've been a creative trainer and professional coach since 2010. After 20 years in the corporate world in finance, training and project management in executive positions and on management committees, I created Youtitude in 2016. I support organizations and individuals in their projects to change, develop and improve their performance, while respecting themselves. The power of Points of You® games enables me to implement innovative methods based.

  • Short Descriptions:

    As Lead Master and co-country leader of Points of You in France with my partner Hélène Babok-Haeussler, I'm proud to be able to pass on the relay to the community of support professionals. I've been a creative trainer and professional coach since 2010. After 20 years in the corporate world in finance, training and project management in executive positions and on management committees, I created Youtitude in 2016.